
  • 3026 AD
  • 3028AD
  • 3030 AD
    • Alternative Timeline with former first and second
      • Planet Express is a huge success after the professor, Bender and Fry were gone in the future.
      • After being single for 20 years, Leela looks for love again and finds it immediately with a now full-grown Cubert Farnsworth.
  • 3050 AD
    • Alternative Timeline with former fisrt and second
      • Planet Express has become a huge corporation because of the absence of Fry, Bender and the Professor.
      • After being married for around 20 years, Leela and Cubert get a divorce.
      • The video card that Fry made for Leela gets dropped out of the time stream at this exact year and it ends up hitting Leela in the back of the head. Leela sees it and finds out the real reason Fry was late for her birthday in 3010 as well as the whereabouts of Fry, Bender, and Professor Farnsworth.
      • Leela goes back to the cave where she was abandoned and lasers a message to Fry into the ceiling of the cave. Water drips down from the ceiling of the cave and onto the sandy floors, which would eventually create a rock formation that will clearly spell out the message in stalagmites in a couple decillion years or so.
  • 3189 AD
    • Terra Federation
  • 3200 AD
    • Day parade of Coruscant
  • 3300 AD
    • Unless something has been done, the robots trapped in a titanium mine on Titan have died
  • 3313 AD
    • After a 300-year sentence, Dr. Brutalov is unfrozen from carbonite and released from Fort 11-Worth Variable Security Prison.
  • 4000 AD
    • Fry and Michelle freeze themselves in the year 3000 for a thousand years and thaw out believing that they are in this year, but the timer was actually set for 2 days and shipped to LA while they were inside.
    • The TV show Futurella was going to be set in this year.
