Rise of the FXJKHR

2029 AD

  • July 1 – Supersonic commercial planet took to the sky first time since Concorde
  • September 19 – Artemis 5 Lunar Landing
  • December 31 – The end of the Terrible

2030 AD

  • Target of the goals of the United Nation´s 2030 Agenda are set for 2030.
  • Saudi Vision 2030
  • Egypt Vision 2030
  • Greenland votes for independence from from Denmark, with a margin of 57-43- Prime Minister calls the results “disappinting”, but says that she “respects Greenland´s decision”. The Republic of Greenland becomes an independent states the next year.
  • The Winter Olympics are held in Barcelona
  • 2030 FIFA World Cup

2031 AD 

  • NASA plans to execute a crewed mission to mars between 2031 and 2035

2032 AD 

  • Philip J. Fry II becomes first man on Mars. (Futurama)
  • The Summer Olympic are held in Brisbane
  • Leader of America on Mars is Elon Musk
  • November 2 – 2032 United States presidental election: The election of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as the 49th President of the United States. Defeating incumbent President JD Vance

2033 AD 

  • Leshoto and Eswatini to join South Africa in separate referendums.

2034 AD 

  • 2030 FIFA World Cup in Saudi Arabia
  • The Winter Olympics are held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada

2035 AD 

  • Formation of the Decency and Respect for All Movement
  • Possibly for Ocasio-Cortez Invasion?

2036 AD 

  • The Summer Olympics are held in Osaka, Japan.
  • June 20 – The proclamation of the Great Russian Republic
  • November 4 – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is reelected President of the United States, defeating his Republican challenger Ben Sasse.

2037 AD 

  • North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un dies of heart attack. The South Korea occupies the North durinh the interim and unties Korea as a democracy

2038 AD

  • January 19 – Earth‘s petroleum reserves run dry, and the people of Earth are forced to switch to alternative fuel sources such as whale oil. (Futurama)
  • Winter olympic Barcelona will be held in Oslo

2040 AD 

  • The Summer Olympic are held in New York, USA.
  • November 6 – 2040 United States presidental election: Dan Crenshaw is elected the 50th President of the United States in a surprise victory against Ilhan Omar.

2041 AD 

  • January 4 United States Capitol attack/smaller-scale riots by Ocasio-Cortez supporters take place. Aslo on the 21st anniversary of the January 6 attack
  • Peppe Provenzano is First President of European Federation

2042 AD 

  • The Winter Olympics are held in Vinnea.

2044 AD 

  • The Summer Olympics are held in Melbourne.

2045 AD 

  • Musk take over Zimbabwe´s consortium Government.

2046 AD 

  • The Winter Olympics are held in Kathmandu.

2048 AD 

  • The Summer Olympics are held in Shanghai.

2050 AD 

  • The Winter Olympics are held in Toronto,

2052 AD

  • New Yorkers launch their garbage into space, ending the voyage of the garbage barge. (Futurama)
  • The Summer Olympics are held in Paris

2054 AD 

  • The Winter Olympics are held in Denever, USA.

2056 AD 

  • The Summer Olympics are held in Athens.

2058 AD 

  • The Winter Olympics are held in Lausanne.

2060 AD 

  • The Summer Olympics are held in Berlin.

2062 AD 

  • The Winter Olympics are held in Stavanger
  • Lacy Shwartz passes away in 2062, begin replaced by her assistant Carl Max.
  • Carl Max decides a new way of Voting for Martian America: Every 5 years (In 2065 is a new presidental election)

2063 AD

  • Giant blocks of ice start being dropped into the ocean to combat global warming. (Futurama)
  • Lucy Liu again named People magazine’s “Sexiest Woman of the Year.” (Futurama)

2064 AD 

  • The FIFA World Cup in held in European Federation.
  • The Winter Olympics are held in Ottawa

2066 AD 

  • The Summer Olympics are held in Tokyo.

2068 AD 

  • Gimson on the surface of Venus.
  • Nigeria hosts the Olympic game in Madrid. For the first time, e-spoer video games will classify as legitimate Olympic sports, although this is initially met with riidicule

2069 AD 

  • The Thomas Jefferson mining station on Mars
  • In a Referendum held shortly after the coronation of King George VII, Canada votes to abolish the Monarchy and governor-general. Simon Dares is elected as the inaugural President of Canada
  • The band citron was immensely popular in the late

2070 AD 

  • The Winter Olympics are held Cortina d,Ampezzo, Italy

2071 AD 

  • Flying busses (based on Nyuko Motors) are introduced as the main from public transport in several major global cities. Althouggh smaller than the previous ground based system of bs, they are more common but vert expensive until the 2090s

2072 AD 

  • The Summer Olympics are held Canberra, Australia

2073 AD 

  • In joint referendums, Australia and Aotearoa vote unite into the Republic of Australia.

2074 AD 

  • The Winter Olympics are held Calgary, Canada.

2076 AD 

  • The Summer Olympics are held Canberra, Los Angeles.

2078 AD 

  • The Winter Olympics are held Warsaw.

2079 AD

  • Cyborgs enslave humanity. (Futurama)
  • Giant carrots enslave humanity. (Futurama)

2080 AD 

  • The Summer Olympics are held Seoul.

2082 AD 

  • The Winter Olympics are held Vancouver, Canada.

2084 AD 

  • The Summer Olympics are held Miami

2085 AD 

  • The Ulysses Grant mining station is the largest Martian mining station built up to that point.

2086 AD 

  • The Winter Olympics are held Nagano.

2088 AD 

  • The Summer Olympics are held Auckland.

2090 AD 

  • The Winter Olympics are held Tampere

2094 AD 

  • US robotic Soldier model/Humans are honourably discharged from active combat roles in the US military Instead President Tyson Jordan announces that seven feet tall robotic military soldiers will be replacing humans in operations that could potentially put theit lives in danger.
  • The Winter Olympics are hels in Salt Lake City.

2095 AD 

  • Alien and FXJKHR Invasion of Earth
  • Federation States President Anthony Silva is assassinated aged 64 by a conspiracy theorist after proposing the creation of a South American mining colony on Mars. The assassin claims President Silva was in league with aliens looking to invade Earth but is swiftly imprisoned.

2099 AD 

  • November 13 – Impeachment of Ivanka Perez
  • December 13 – Perez Convicted and removed from the presidency

2099 AD – 2104 AD

  • FXJKHR was President of United States
