Second Insurgency Purge part 2

2010 AD

2011 AD

2012 AD

2013 AD

2014 AD

2015 AD

Second Insurgency Purge part 1

2007 AD

2008 AD

2009 AD

First Insurgency Purge part 3

2000 AD

2001 AD

2002 AD

2003 AD

2004 AD

2005 AD

2006 AD

First Insurgency Purge part 2

1992 AD

1993 AD

1994 AD

1995 AD

1996 AD

1997 AD

1998 AD

1999 AD

First Insurgency Purge part 1, after Cold War

1986 AD

1987 AD

1988 AD

1989 AD

1990 AD

1991 AD

Only Futurama Timeline with 1986 – 2024

20th Century?

  • The Stupid Ages. (Alternate First)
  • Fry’s era is referred to as the Stupid Ages more than once in the series. No dates are given, but the 20th century seems stupid enough to me (Alternate First)

1988 AD

  • Fry hides his lucky seven-leaf clover from his brother. (Possibly for Alternate First)
  • Fry falls through the ice before ice fishing with his father and catches a cold. (Possibly for Alternate First)
  • Barack Obama works as a pizza delivery boy for Mr. Panucci. (Possibly for Alternate First)
  • Fry fails to win the Nerd Search ’88 Science Competition, which is won by Josh Gedgie. (Possibly for Alternate First)
  • Josh Gedgie’s winning science experiment is launched into space. Years later, it will be dumped on Saturn‘s dump moon. (Possibly for Alternate First)
  • February 1328 – The 1988 Winter Olympics are held in CalgaryAlberta, Canada/What Hermes will later describe as a “legendary Jamaican bobsled team” first competes in the Winter Olympics. This is historical fact, which is not to be confused with the slightly fictionalised account given in the movie Cool Runnings.

1989 AD

  • June 16 – The film Ghostbusters II is released, tarnishing the previously well-regarded Ghostbusters franchise. (“This number has been lame since 1989”)
  • December 17 – The Simpsons debuts on the Fox Network.

Between 1990 and 1996

  • Applied Cryogenics experiences their penultimate power failure (Alternate First)

1991 AD

1992 AD

  • Date of manufacture of the green Latura in the Past-O-Rama exhibit. (Alternate First)

1993 AD

1994 AD

1994 AD or 1995 AD

  • Fry scrawls a picture of himself on a rocket (Possibly Alternate First)

1995 AD to 1998 AD

  • Fry is unemployed. “I haven’t had time off since I was twenty-one through twenty-four!” (Possibly Alternate First)

1997 AD

  • Last known power failure at Applied Cryogenics/Applied Cryogenics: No power failures since 1997″. Despite this failure and the previous one, Applied Cryogenics will actually maintain continuous power – or at least avoid critical outages – through war, barbarism and alien invasions for the next 1003 years. (Alternate First)
  • HAL 9000, the subject of Calculon’s one-man show HAL 9000, comes online in Urbana, Illinois. (Alternate First)
  • Date on the last existing can of anchovies (“Angry Norwegian Anchovies” brand) in the year 3000. (Alternate Fisrt)
  • August – Fry finds Seymour in a New York street after a pizza delivery to “Seymour Asses” which turned out to be a crank call. (Possibly Alternate First)

1998 AD

1999 AD

  • Nibbler is assigned as Supreme Fuzzler for a Nibblonian scientific outpost on the planet Vergon VI, where he will remain assigned for a further thousand years. Over the following centuries, Nibblonians consume many of the planet’s animal inhabitants and gradually fill the planet’s core with dark matter. (Alternate First)
  • Fry spills beer on the control console at New York FOX station WNYW, knocking Single Female Lawyer off the air. (Possibly Alternate First)
  • Fry’s bank account is left with a balance of 93 cents which, after one thousand years of gathering interest, becomes $4.3 billion. (Possibly Alternate First)
  • Decemder 31 (Possibly Alternate First)
    • 9:00am – Fry wakes up
    • 10:00pm – After dinner, Fry leaves his family’s house for work at Panucci’s/Fry wasn’t at his house after 10:00pm according to Farnsworth in this episode.
    • evening – Nibbler orders a pizza to be delivered to Applied Cryogenics, using the pseudonym I. C. Weiner.
    • 11:35pm – Fry leaves Panucci’s to deliver Nibbler’s pizza, leaving Seymour to wait for him outside. This scene occurs in more than one episode, but “Jurassic Bark” is the first time a clock is visible.
    • 11:??pm – Nibbler’s chauffeur, Digby, lands them on the roof of Applied Cryogenics.
    • slightly before midnight – Nibbler hides underneath the desk that Fry will sit at as the new millennium rolls in, intending to deliberately make Fry fall in the cryogenics tube, so that in the future (specifically, the episode “The Why Of Fry”) he can defeat the evil brains on behalf of all intelligent life. An alternate version of Fry arrives from an alternate future in which he failed to defeat the brains. He delivers to Nibbler the dire warning, “Scootie-Puff Junior sucks!” before disappearing. The alternate Fry’s interference has no lasting effect on the timeline until the events of “The Why Of Fry” in 3002 or so.
    • 11:58pm – Two minutes to midnight, Fry boards the elevator to the Applied Cryogenics floor
    • Fry is sent on a fake pizza delivery to I. C. Wiener at Applied Cryogenics
    • Fry is frozen at the stroke of midnight when pushed by Nibbler. He wakes up in the future.


  • (presumably early) Baywatch: The Movie becomes the first movie shot entirely in slow-motion, and wins Pamela Anderson the Oscar. (Orginial Timeline or Alternate First)
  • Atlanta moves offshore, but after over-developing, sinks to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean and is lost until the early 31st century (Alternate First)
  • New Atlanta is the capital and most populous city in the U.S. state of Georgia (Alternate First)

2000 AD

  • January 1 (Possibly Alternate First)
    • Nibbler’s plan proceeds: Fry falls backwards into a cryogenic chamber. At that exact instant, Digby (who is also in the room) remembers that he left his spacecraft on the roof unlocked, and locks it remotely using his key fob. These four musical tones and the response from the ship are the last things Fry hears before being frozen.
    • Seconds into the new year, Philip J. Fry is cryogenically frozen  due to the actions of Lord Nibbler/his future self. 
    • Using a time code tattooed on his ass, Fry returns from the year 3007 back to New York and lives in the upstairs storage room of Panucci’s Pizza.  Bender also travels back in time to kill Fry but loses him.
    • A Bender from “way at the end” comes to put the code on Fry’s ass in the first place. 
    • Seymour sees Fry frozen in a cryogenics tube
    • Fry’s family calls off the search for their missing son.
    • Lord Nibbler’s mother dies.
    • Digby and Nibbler, now drunk, lose their keys and are forced to take a taxi back to Vergon 6, leaving their spaceship parked on the Applied Cryogenics roof.
  • 2 January -Seymour waits for Fry outside Panucci’s Pizza. 
  • 8 November – Bender attempts to kill someone with the same name as Fry. All of Al Gore‘s votes are destroyed after Bender accidentally shoots them causing George W. Bush to win the election. (Both Bender´s Alternate First and George W Bush´s Orginial Timeline)
  • The City of New York quietly dispatches its massive garbage supply out to sea. (Possibly Alternate First)
  • Wisconsin wins the Rose Bowl, 17-9. This is Fry’s mother’s strongest memory of this day. (Possibly Alternate First)
  • Past-O-Rama is “like stepping back into the year 2000!” (Alternate First)

2001 AD

2002 AD

  • A barge filled with New York’s garbage starts floating around the oceans of Earth for 50 years, as no country will take it, not even “that really filthy one” (Orginial Timeline or Alternate First)

2003 AD

  • Lucy Liu is named People magazine‘s “Sexiest Woman of the Year”. (Alternate First)
  • Fry gets a job at an aquarium working with a rare narwhal called Leelu. (Alternate First)

2005 AD

  • October 20 – Yancy Fry Jr marries an unnamed woman (Possibly Alternate First)

Between ~2005 and 2007?

  • Philip J. Fry’s nephew, also named Philip Fry honour of his uncle, is born to Yancy Fry and his wife. (Philip Fry Jr appears to be roughly five to seven years old when Bender accosts him in 2012.) (Alternate First)
  • In the original timeline, Philip Fry Jr is named because the original Philip Fry disappeared in 2000 and Yancy Fry misses him. In the current revision of the timeline, this is no longer true, but this paradox is seamlessly resolved by the Time Code. (Alternate First)

2006 AD

  • Britney Spears becomes queen of something. (Possibly Alternate First)
  • Wearing a sink plunger on his head as a horn, Fry-B duels with Leelu. (Alternate First)

2007 AD

2008 AD

  • January 15 – A Suicide Booth is built in New York (Alternate First)
  • July 17 – The Svalvard Global Seed Vault starts preserving seeds of every known plant species.
  • Fry-B plays with Leelu on a rubber raft in her tank, which she punctures (Alternate First)
  • Creation of the “infinitely priceless thousand-year-old brandy”, later involved in Bender’s initiation ceremony into the League of Robots (Alternate First)

2010 AD

  • July 31 –  Leelu is released back into the sea. (Alternate First)
  • August 4 – Depressed, Lars Fillmore hires Leroy’s fishing boat to take him to the North Pole to find her. (Alternate First)
  • The Loch Ness monster is revealed to be a log with a Halloween mask stapled to it. (Alternate First)
  • Leelu is released into the wild and Fry searches for her with Mr. Panucci‘s cousin Leroy. (Alternate First)

2012 AD

  • Michelle Jenkins freezes her body at Applied Cryogenics. (Alternate First)
  • The War of 2012 occurs. Conan O’Brien claims to having lost his legs during the conflict.
  • Al Gore drives a hybrid taxi, or “hybraxi” for short. (Alternate First)
  • Lars Fillmore hitches a ride with Michelle for 990 years. (Alternate First)
  • Fry locates Leelu and nearly takes her home, but releases her after realizing she is with a male narwhal. (Alternate First)
  • Bender visits the second Philip J. Fry and attempts to kill him. (Alternate First)
  • Fry returns from his trans-Arctic voyage. (Alternate First)
  • Bender blows up Panucci’s Pizza, which causes Fry‘s time duplicate to become Lars Fillmore and ends up flash-fossilizing Seymour Asses. Bender hides under the future location of the Planet Express building for 1000 years. (Alternate First)
  • Gas costs $100 a gallon. (Alternate First)
  • Seymour Asses dies. (Alternate First)
  • December 21 – Some people believed that the world would end (Orginial First Timeline)

2018 AD

2019 AD

  • Project Satan is created. (Alternate First)
  • May 7 – The most evil car is built using many evil mechanics such as Hitler’s steering wheel. (Alternate First)
  • June 20 – The Were-Car virus is first transmitted, with Calculon being its first victim (Alternate First)

Cold War with 1970 – 1986 Part 2


  • During the 1970s, environmental thinking took off in earnest, which in Sweden manifested itself, among other things, in the Green wave
  • the popularity of the disco music genre and subculture peaks during the mid-to-late 1970s.
  • Personal computer
  • Heroin abuse starts around this time to become a big problem in the world.

1972 AD

1973 AD

1974 AD

1975 AD

1976 AD

1977 AD

1978 AD

1979 AD


1980 AD

1981 AD

1983 AD

1985 AD

1986 AD

Cold War with 1947 – 1969 Part 2

1947 AD


1950 AD


1953 AD

1954 AD

1956 AD

1957 AD

1958 AD

  • 28 October – The first IKEA department store opens in Älmhult.

1959 AD

1960 AD

1961 AD

1962 AD

1963 AD

1964 AD

1965 AD

1967 AD

  • June 5-10 – Six-Day War
  • September 3 – At 05:00, Sweden switches to right-hand traffic after several years of preparation and road safety propaganda. The preparations took four years, and cost around SEK 600 million. The traffic diversion is monitored by 8,000 police and conscripts, and during the transition night 20,000 people work to adapt 350,000 road traffic signs for right-hand traffic

1968 AD

1969 AD

Cold War with 1947 – 1986

1947 AD

1948 AD

  • Jaunray 4 or April 4 – Yancy Fry, Sr. (Philip’s father and simultaneously his son) is born. (Possibly for Alternate First)

1950 AD

  • May 2 –Sherri Fry (Fry’s mother and simultaneously his daughter-in-law) is born. (Possibly for Alternate First)

1951 AD

  • Pete’s TVs: “letting people watch news reports in our window since 1951” (Orginial Timeline or Alternate First)

1960 AD

  • August 9 – David Duchovny is supposedly born. This date is taken from Duchovny’s IMDb page. In the Futurama universe, David Duchovny is in fact the individual who will later be known as Calculon; his birth date might be a lie
  • November 8 – 1960 United States presidential election: In a close race, Democratic U. S. Senator John F. Kennedy is elected over Republican U. S. Vice President Richard Nixon, to become (at 43) the second youngest man to serve as President of the United States, and the youngest man elected to this position.

1963 AD – 1968 AD

1962 AD

  • While attempting to kill Hitler a second time, Farnsworth accidentally shoots into the wrong decade and kills Eleanor Roosevelt instead. (Alternate Third)

1966 AD

1968 AD

  • Zoidberg inspires Andy to paint a painting called ‘Unwelcome Guest‘ in 1968. (Alternate Third)

1969 AD

1971 AD

1972 AD

1973 AD

  • Computers in 3000 are twice as fast as they were in 1973 according to Richard Nixon. (Orginial Timeline or Alternate First)
  • Muhammed Ali faces an 80ft-tall mechanical Joe Frazier. The entire Earth is destroyed. (Orginial Timeline or Alternate First)

1974 AD

1975 AD

  • In Leela’s dream, the Yellow Brick Road is renamed MLK Boulevard. (Maybe Alternate First)

1977 AD

1979 AD


  • Zap Brannigan’s favourite musical era. “For me, there are only one Eighties.” (Alternate First)

1980 AD

  • Unknown  Fry starts wanting a robot for a friend around this time

1984 AD

  • Stricken with incurable boneitis, “that guy” (Steve Castle) is cryogenically frozen until a cure can be found.
  • He’s from the 1980s, but also has certainly seen Apple’s “1984” advert. His name is revealed on the DVD commentary track for this episode.

1985 AD

  • Commercials for the McDonald’s Lettuce and Tomato with the slogan “Keep the hot side hot, and the cool side cool” begin circulating. (Orginial Timeline or Alternate First)

1986 AD

  • Shea Stadium: “Home of the 1969 & 1986 World Champion [New York] Mets”. Since this sign appears in the year 3000+, note the oblique implication that the Mets won’t win the World Championship again for over a thousand years.

Pre World War 2

1929 AD

1930 AD

  • October 12 – Legs Diamond was shot and wounded at the Hotel Monticello on Manhattan’s West Side. Two gunmen forced their way into Diamond’s room and shot him five times before fleeing. Still in his pajamas, Diamond staggered into the hallway and collapsed. When asked later by the New York Police Commissioner how he managed to walk out of the room, Diamond said he drank two shots of whiskey first. Diamond was rushed to the Polyclinic Hospital in Manhattan, where he eventually recovered/Fry, Leela, Bender and Hermes appear in a bar, in a Head trip, after Fry licked Herbert Hoover’s head. They return after getting shot at (Alternate Third)

1932 AD

1933 AD

1936 AD

1938 AD

World War 1 Orginial Timeline

1914 AD

1915 AD

  • February 19 – Battle of Gallipoli
  • May 7 – RMS Lusitania is Out of Service
  • September 22 – The Nordic Company new department store on Hamngatan in Stockholm is inaugurated, which is of an international type. The department store has 1,500 employees, and the architect is Ferdinand Boberg. Sweden’s first escalator was later built there.
  • Fry is in 1915 and has to fight in Worlds War I against the Omicronians. (Alternate First with Mexican-American Civil War)

1916 AD

1917 AD

1918 AD

1920 AD

1923 AD

1926 AD

  • Campaigns of Romanov´s effect (Alternate First)

1927 AD

  • Wedding of Dimitri Floydorovich Sudayev and Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna (Alternate First)
  • May – Philo Farnsworth of the United States transmits his first experimental electronic television motion pictures, as opposed to the electromechanical TV systems that others have used before.

1900 – 1913 with Pre World War 1

1900 AD

  • Gwen’s family starts making candy hearts out of earwig honey and bone meal. (Alternate First)

1904 AD

1906 AD

1908 AD

1909 AD

1911 AD

  • May 30 – The Indy 500 is first held.

1913 AD

19th Century

1800 AD

  • Light bulb, steamboat and cotton gin invented, according to Leela. “Those are all from the nineteenth century!” Note that she’s wrong on two of the three counts; the steamboat and the cotton gin are both from the 18th century, above. (Orginial Timeline or Alternate First)

1810 AD

1812 AD

1813 AD

1818 AD

  • Fall of Antares Empire (Alternate First)

1820 AD

  • The Golden Age of Muttonchops begins. (Alternate First)

1821 AD

From 1833 AD to 1896 AD

  • Dates of Alfred Nobel, who instituted the Nobel Prizes. 3012 Presidential candidate Chris Travers won a Nobel Prize (in an unspecified field and year), which is seen on screen in this episode, showing (as with real Nobel prizes) Alfred Nobel in profile and the years of his birth and death. The death year shown is correct, “MDCCCXCVI”, but the birth year shown is clearly “MOOCCXXI”, a meaningless number in Roman numerals. The correct birth year would be “MDCCCXXXIII”. This is presumed to be an animation error, rather than an indication that Alfred Nobel’s birth year is something different in the Futurama universe.

1846 AD

Bender is in the town of Salem, Massachusetts and assembles himself together with a magnet and ends up singing folk songs which pleases the townspeople who introduce a fembot named Samantha (Alternate First)

1861 AD

1872 AD

1874 AD

  • Light bulb invented. Date is from historical record.

1887 AD

  • The Golden Age of Muttonchops ends. (Alternate First)
u/myprivate500 - 19th Century

1890 AD

  • July 31 – October 18 – Around the World in Eighty Days (Alternate Fisrt)
    • July 31 – London
    • August 1 – Paris
    • August 9 – Istanbul
    • August 23 – Arga
    • September 9 – Lanzhou Village
    • September 29 – San Francisco
    • October 4 – New Mexico Desert
    • October 10 – New York
    • October 11 – Atlantic Ocean
    • October 18 – From Atlantic Ocean to London

Pirates of the Caribbean era with 18th Century

1720 AD Alternate First

1728 AD Alternate First

1743 AD Alternate First

  • Antarian Invasion of Earth

1750 AD Alternate First

1751 AD Alternate First