Last New Republic of Earth
- 31 December 2999 AD
- After 1000 years, Philip J. Fry is unfrozen.
- Leela gives Fry his career, who rejects it and flees.
- Fry tries to call his great, great, great… great nephew and meets Bender at a suicide booth.
- The two of them are pursued by Leela, who later has a change of heart and removes her own career chip. They are soon after hired at Planet Express, shortly after midnight on 1 January, 3000/Philip J. Fry, Turanga Leela and Bender Bending Rodríguez join Planet Express.
- Philip J. Fry from 3007 freezes himself for another 7.95 years. He had attempted to steal his own wallet from the year 2000 and ended up falling into the cryogenics tube, getting refrozen behind himself for another 1,000 years. He sets the tube’s timer to unfreeze him again in the year 3007, 7 years later, he returns after he traveled back in time to the year 2000.
3000 AD
- January
- 1st – Fry, Leela, and Bender are hired by Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth, owner of Planet Express.
- Some time around this point, the Professor accepted Bender’s licence agreement without reading it, resulting in his arrest 11 years later due to his clone overclocking Bender.
- 2nd or 3rd – The new crew’s first mission to the moon.
- 1st – Fry, Leela, and Bender are hired by Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth, owner of Planet Express.
- February
- (ca. 1st) – Fry is expected to find out where the owls are coming from and to find out who has been leaving out food.
- Fry moves out of Planet Express and moves in with Bender to Robot Arms Apartments.
- April
- (before the 13th) – Mom captures the Nibblonians for her Dark Matter farm in Alaska.
- (13th) – Vergon 6 implodes; Leela rescues Nibbler and has sex with Zapp Brannigan.
- April — August
- Bender gains a brief period of fame on Chapek 9, until Fry and Leela convinces him to come with them back to Earth.
- Fry briefly becomes a billionaire, but is robbed of his money by Mom’s sons.
- Fry briefly becomes the Emperor of the planet Trisol.
- Garbage ball launched in 2052 returns and threatens to hit New New York City.
- Bender joins Robotology and is sent to Robot Hell after sinning, however, a rescue mission by Fry and Leela gets him out again.
- Cruise spaceship Titanic sucked into black hole.
- August — November
- Farnsworth’s prize experiment, Guenter, ends in failure after deciding that he would rather be enrolled at a business school.
- Unnamed “Alien” Species’ Invasion:
- Labor Day – Earth invaded by Omicronians; Earth President McNeal assassinated. (Due on New Republic of Earth is dissolved and New Republic flee to New Earth)
- Fry wins the ticket to the Slurm Factory and discovers the truth of Slurm.
- Bender becomes for a brief period of time attached to Leela’s emotions.
- The dreaded El Chupanibre is sent into the Sub-sewer by Bender.
- Zapp Brannigan accidentally destroys new DOOP headquarters.
- November — December
- November – Richard Nixon’s head elected President of Earth. (Space Federation of Earth is established
- December (near Xmas) – Robot Santa returns once more to wreck havoc on Earth, however, the Planet Express crew manages to send him back before he can get on with his havoc.
- ca. January
- Hundreds of bending units similar to Bender and Flexo finish work on a giant Bender.
- Fry makes friends with the giant Bender.
- Giant Bender kills hundreds of people and destroys buildings.
- Professor Farnsworth enlarges Zoidberg so he can fight Bender. The two cause more destruction than before.
- Bender is killed when impaled on a skyscraper.
Space Federation/Galactic Federation of Free Populist
3001 AD
- February — March
- Shortly before February 14th (Valentine’s Day) – Fry, Amy and Zoidberg get in a terrible car crash on Europa, Fry’s head is grafted to Amy’s body.
- Fry’s ex-girlfriend Michelle unfrozen.
- Pauly Shore unfrozen for the 1000 year anniversary of Jury Duty II: Trouble on the Hubble
- Bender joins the Ultimate Robot Fighting League.
- April
- (9th) Cubert Farnsworth removed from cloning tank; designated Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth‘s successor.
- April — December
- Planet Express Crew rediscover the lost underwater city of Atlanta.
- Mother’s Day – Earth robots revolt at Mom‘s instigation; called off the next morning.
- Earth again invaded by Omicronians after their larva become major fast food sensation; Free Waterfall Jr. eaten.
- Bender’s uncle Vladimir dies.
- Earth successfully invades Spheron 1.
- Zapp Brannigan crashes a space-going restaurant onto the Planet Amazonia
- April — December
- Professor Farnsworth demonstrates his latest invention, the Fing-Longer by turning on the What-If Machine and shows alternate realities of the PE crew’s choice.
3002 AD
- January — July
- New New York v. Santa Bender case held. Santa Bender was to be executed at sundown.
- Massive dark matter spill on the Plutonian penguin refuge. Free Waterfall Sr. eaten by penguins.
- Earth invaded by the Brain Spawn; defeated by Fry and the Nibblonians.
- Dr. Zoidberg and Harold Zoid make the movie The Magnificent Three.
- Martian natives kidnap Amy Wong. She is later released when the worthless “bead” their ancestors traded the planet for is revealed to be a valuable, enormous diamond. The Martians leave Mars and buy a nicer planet.
- New New York v. Fry and Bender case held. Both Fry and Bender are sent to the HAL Institute for Criminally Insane Robots.
- Bend-Aid benefit concert for broken robots held in San Francisco.
- Universe threatened by “time skips;” Prof. Farnsworth and the Globetrotters create a black hole to absorb damaging time radiation/The Harlem Globetrotter Invasion of Earth
- Leela finds herself being the first female ever to play major league Blernsball.
- Bender becomes the next pharaoh of Osiris 4.
- August
- (11th) Omicronians invade Earth yet again.
- September
- (21st) the Planet Express Crew travel back in time to Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.
- (c. 22nd) Fry, Leela, and the Professor dig up Bender’s head which was buried for 1,055 years.
- September — December
- August 11th
- Bender is transformed into a human using “reverse fossilization”.
- Bender wins the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
- Richard Nixon’s head signs a peace accord with the ambassador Kong of the planet Nintendu 64. Things go wrong with the peace agreement when Kong throws a barrel at Richard Nixon’s head and abandons the peace signing.
- Fry, Leela, Bender and Zoidberg rendezvous with General Colin Pac-Man. General Pac-Man leads them through a pac man-like maze. They exit through a Mario tube outside Planet Express headquarters. They find out there is another force threatening Earth.
- Lrrr, of the planet Nintenduu 64 has decided to invade Earth with his “3 different kinds of ships.” Fry starts to battle the Space Invaders. During the battle, General Pac-Man is fatally wounded.
- Fry eventually loses after realizing he could never get the last ship. The last Space Invader ship lands on Earth and their demand is simple: quarters, a million allowances’ worth of quarters. The Planet Express crew refuse to accept their offer, but reach a compromise by allowing the space invaders to toss their laundry in with the Planet Express crew’s.
- Leela, Fry, Bender and Zoidberg meet the Professor at the Emerald Building and he gives a gun to Zoidberg and money to Bender.
- Leela becomes a witch, but then she melts into pudle because a flume of water landed on her.
3003 AD
- January — February
- Kif and Leela‘s offspring born.
- Leela finds out her true origins.
- February
- (14th) (Valentine’s Day) Bender dates the ship, dumps it, the ship doesn’t take the break-up well and almost crashes itself into a quasar. The crew dumps their cargo of candy hearts into the quasar causing a mystical love radiation that spreads across the universe destroying many, many planets, including two gangster planets and a cowboy world.
- February — December
- Earth moved further from the sun to combat global warming, making the year one week longer– President Richard Nixon declares it Robot Party Week; Professor Farnsworth presented with the Polluting Medal of Pollution.
- Earth v. Zoidberg case held. Zoidberg sentenced to death.
- Decapodians invade Earth, briefly enslave humanity. Old Man Waterfall crushed and killed.
- Fry finds the fossilized remains of his dog, Seymour.
- Zapp v. Fry, Bender and Leela case held. The case never reached a verdict.
- Roboticon 3003 held in New New York; the advanced Robot 1-X model unveiled.
- Nintenduu 64 Invasion of Earth
3004 AD
- Hattie finishes suffering a 30-year bout of insomnia (4ACV04).
- Fry and the Nibblonians defeat the Brain Spawn permanently by banishing them to an alternate pocket dimension (4ACV10).
- The 3004 Olympics are held on Earth. Hermes Conrad competes for Jamaica in the five hundred meter limbo but is disqualified. Bender wins five gold medals in various fembots’ bending events competing for the fictitious Grand Duchy of Robonia under the name Coilette (4ACV13).
- Earth conquers the Spiderians of Tarantulon 6; Richard Nixon’s head issues a $300 tax rebate (4ACV16).
- Fry makes a deal with the Robot Devil and becomes a notable holophonor star. However, his holophonor opera Leela: Orphan of the Stars, while performed with great success in the first act, flops as a result of the Robot Devil’s interference (4ACV18)
3005 AD
- The ‘Brainless Drones’ who run the Box Network cancel Planet Express‘s license to make deliveries. Not brought back till 3007.
3007 AD
- November—December
- The people who cancelled Planet Express‘s license are fired for incompetence and then beaten up. Most die from their injuries and are ground into a pink powder used for various reasons. Planet Express are allowed back on the air.
- Nudist alien scammers take control of Planet Express and eventually Earth and send Bender back in time to steal Earth’s treasures.
- Fry travels back in time to New York in 2000 to resume his old life.
- The nudists tell Bender to go back to the year 2000 to kill Fry.
- Bender comes back and tells the crew at Fry’s funeral that he killed Fry. Fry comes to his own funeral, telling everyone his adventure up to when he froze himself.
- Leela falls in love with Lars Fillmore and nearly marries him. The wedding is called off after Hermes is decapitated again.
- Battle of New Scammadonia
- The Battle for Earth occurs, resulting in the death of the scammer aliens after a doomsday device is launched at the their spaceship.
- Bender gets awarded the Dirty Double-Cross for this part in defeating the scammers.
- Tentacle Invasion
3008 AD
- January — December
- Lars and Nudar are killed, afterwards Lars is revealed to be a time paradox duplicate of Fry. Lars is buried at Orbiting Meadows.
- Bender is ordered to go back in time to put the tattoo on Fry’s butt in the first place, but due to Bender’s illogical screw up of time, a rip in space is created.
- A scientific conference is held about the Anomaly.
- Bender becomes a member of the League of Robots, eventually becoming its leader.
- Yivo begins forcing shklis tentacles through the Anomaly and mates with everyone in the universe.
- Yivo takes everyone in the universe out on a date and later proposes, causing everyone on Earth to move onto shkler.
- Bender and his army drag Yivo into their universe to save humanity.
- Yivo breaks up with humanity and leaves Universe Gamma with Colleen. The rip in space is closed forever.
- Dark Matter prices tripled and are $9.99 per ball. Mombil profits greatly.
- Space Demolition Derby held. Planet Express Ship wins.
- After playing Dungeons and Dragons, Bender loses grip on reality and is sent to the HAL Institute.
- Professor Farnsworth infiltrates Mom’s dark matter mine in Alaska to get revenge for being dumped by making dark matter useless as fuel, with the Anti-backwards crystal.
- Cornwood is created and destroyed.
- All dark matter everywhere is useless as fuel.
- Professor Farnsworth harnesses Nibblonians as a temporary form of transportation.
- The Planet Express Ship (and presumably other spacecraft) is converted to run on Whale Oil.
3009 AD
- January – December
- Mars Vegas was destroyed.
- New Mars Vegas was built.
- New member Leela and the other Feministas cause chaos with their protests and sabotages, including the accidental murder of the then vice-president Agnew.
- 3009 Universal Poker Championship was held in New Mars Vegas. Bender wins with 5 kings.
- Earth v. Feministas case was held resulting in the Feministas being sentenced to fifty years in prison.
- Bender helps the Feministas escape from Maxi-Padlock.
- Implosion of the Violet Dwarf Star was stopped by the Feministas.
- The Violet Dwarf Star is revealed to be an Encyclopod egg.
- The newly hatched Encyclopod defeats the last known Dark One.
- The Planet Express crew, Fry, Leela, Bender, Scruffy, Professor Farnsworth, Hermes, LaBarbara Conrad, Amy, Kif, Zoidberg (and possibly Nibbler), go through a wormhole.
3010 AD
- June
- A scary death sphere called V-GINY began “censoring” indecent planets by erasing them with some kind of hellish blackout ray.
- The V-GINY erased Planet XXX, the Nude Beach Planet.
- The V-GINY erased Poopiter.
- The V-GINY erased that world that can’t be mentioned in polite company.
- General Brannigan and his fourth lieutenant, Kif Kroker, met the the President for a top-secret briefing in the Secret White House.
- Zapp and Nixon went to the Planet Express building to get help from Professor Farnsworth and his crew.
- The Professor’s Tiny One-Man Stealth Fighter left off at Cape Knievel, with Brannigan and Turanga Leela inside of it.
- They approached the V-GINY but the death sphere’s attacks forced them to fly away. The ship got damaged during the fleeing, so Zapp and Leela crashed on what they thought was an uncharted planet, actually an Earthican island.
- The V-GINY tried to erase Earth.
- The prophetical Planet Express crew warned the Earthican people to act with purity, using picket signs.
- The V-GINY agreed to “leave Earth uncensored” if Zapp and Leela (whom it mistook for Adam and Eve) had sex.
- July
- Mayor Poopenmeyer kicks off the 83rd or 34th annual e-waste recycling festival.
- The Planet Express crew is sent to the Third World of the Antares system to dump New New York’s e-waste.
- Mom launches the eyePhone, and hundreds of “online” people buy it.
- Fry’s Twitcher followers are gifted with a hilarious video of Leela and her talking and singing boil. Soon, it becomes an internet sensation.
- Mom activates the Twitt-worm, thus creating an unstoppable army of between 1 and 2 million zombie twitchers.
- Mom launches the eyePhone 2.0, and Fry and Bender’s brainwashed followers buy it.
- Proposition ∞ passes, legalizing robosexual marriages.
- The Earthican people re-enact the Sith-il War.
- The Professor invents a forward time machine.
- August
- The Thubanians invade Earth.
- September
- The Devolution Revolution grants the Sewer Mutants their freedom. Now they are officially regular Earthicans.
- Unknown month
- Zoidberg takes a bus trip to the Grand Canyon
3011 AD
- June — September
- The Professor invents the Banach-Tarski Dupla-Shrinker, and Bender accidentally creates millions of duplicates that threaten to destroy Earth
- The duplicates leave Earth forever
- Planet Express goes bankrupt, and the company is turned into a commercial airline. The first flight crash lands on an uncharted planet, and after finally coming home, Plan Am is closed down (6ACV20).
- The Young People’s Choice Awards are held, and Turanga Leela wins for Best Children’s Program for Rumbledy-hump. Later, the Cookieville Minimum-Security Orphanarium has all of its child inhabitants adopted by Abner Doubledeal to have them work on production of the rebooted reality version of the show
- The common cold is reintroduced
- December
- Earth burns up completely
3012 AD
- Unknown date
- Ben is born.
- Predicted doomsday.
- The Earth presidential election of 3012 takes place, and Richard Nixon’s head emerges victorious.
- Calculon dies after drinking a vial of food coloring in an acting competition against Langdon Cobb.
- Zapp and Admiral Chew negotiate the Treaty of Table 7.
- Amy and Leela become a Butterfly Derby team.
- 3012 ― Microsoft releases Windows Navy.
- 29 September
- Senator Chris Travers is born.
- October
- The Planet Express crew attends Oktoberfest.
3013 AD
- 2 March
- Nibbler‘s personal chauffeur destroys a planet while looking for a ship that he lost on 31 December 1999.
- Unknown date
- Bender uses a 3D printer to duplicate the guitar of folk singer Silicon Red in an attempt to become a famous folk singer himself. He goes to a railroad camp and begins writing a song about a robot named Big Caboose, when strangely everything in the song begins to actually happen in reality. Because Bender has been wirelessly connected to the 3D printer the entire time, anything he writes about is printed and brought into existence. [7ACV14]
- Professor Farnsworth joins a street-racing gang. This later results in him getting into a race against Leela, where he accidentally gets them both (along with Fry and Bender) temporarily trapped in the second dimension. [7ACV15]
- President Nixon cuts off all trade with Omicron Persei 8 after the headless clone of Agnew is accidentally murdered by Lrrr‘s son, Jrrr, during the fourth Omicronian invasion of Earth. Meanwhile, Fry is accidentally left stranded on Omicron Persei 8, where he is looked after by Jrrr until being rescued by Bender. [7ACV16]
- Fry and Leela go on a romantic vacation together whilst Bender, Amy and Zoidberg make a delivery to the planet Simian 7, which is inhabited by primates-only. It is revealed that Fry and Leela’s romantic getaway is actually a human exhibition at a zoo on Simian 7. [7ACV17]
- After Bender rescues 15 trapped miners from the solar helium mine, Mayor Poopenmeyer makes Planet Express the city’s new Fire Department. However, the crew suspect Bender of committing arson at all of the locations he visits in order to put out more fires and appear more heroic. Unbeknownst to them, a being from the sun that Bender names Flamo has been starting the fires in attempt to scorch the Earth. Eventually, the mystic aldermen of the sun come to take Flamo back and trap him inside the sun. [7ACV18]
- President Nixon and the last clone of Agnew enjoy watching the show Futurama and Friends Saturday Morning Fun Pit on TV at the White House, however, they are frequently interrupted by an angry mob on the lawn who request changes to content of the show that will teach and protect their children. [7ACV19]
- Calculon is resurrected with the help of Bender and of the Professor’s scientific ritual, [7ACV20] but he must then work his way up to becoming a big-time star again since most people didn’t miss him or his acting after he died. [7ACV04] Later, in an unfortunate accident on the set of his old show All My Circuits, he is killed for a second time by falling ceiling lights after performing his greatest and most believable piece of acting ever. [7ACV20]
- All of Bender’s body parts except for his eyes and his mouth are stolen. [7ACV21]
- Leela learns of her genetic condition of squidification and is then cured by Mom‘s genetic-engineering facility. [7ACV22]
- After an alien ship begins approaching Earth, the crew searches Fry’s mind to find the meaning of the musical tones emitted by the ship. [7ACV23]
- The Planet Express crew goes on a team-building retreat, in which Fry and Bender kill celebrated business consultant Dan McMasters, believing him to be a vicious alien killer. [7ACV24]
- Zoidberg finally meets his girlfriend Zindy in person, but she dumps him. [7ACV25] He then starts dating a florist.
- Fry proposes to Leela before breaking the universe and marrying her. [7ACV26] To be continued for “Futurama” The Impossible Stream