18th Century

1770 AD

1775 AD

  • April 17: the Professor, BenderFry and Leela, all go back in time to Revolutionary War Era America, to clear the Farnsworth name. (Alternate Third)
  • April 18
    • Paul Revere’s “midnight ride” takes place, signaling the start of the American Revolution. (Alternate Third)
    • Fry grabs one of the lanterns from the Old North Church while in Boston and briefly changes the course of history. The four once again travel back in time and reset the future. (Alternate Third)

1776 AD

  • The United States of America are founded. Date is from historical record.
  • the American Revolution took place/The Professor) , Fry and Bender watch as the American Revolutionaries fight the British, from their time machine. (Alternate Second)

1783 AD

  • September 3 – Peace of Paris: A treaty between the United States and Great Britain is signed in Paris, formally ending the American Revolutionary War, in which Britain recognizes the independence of the United States; and treaties are signed between Britain, France, and Spain at Versailles, ending hostilities with the Franco-Spanish Alliance.

1788 AD

  • Steamboat invented. Date is from historical record.

1793 AD

  • Cotton gin invented. Date is from historical record.

17th Century

1600 AD

  • The previous versions of FryBender and the Professor watch (Alternate Second) (in one reality) the pilgrims arrive in America and get taken over by the British.

1607 AD

  • April 26 – June 22 – Mission to Virginia European Pilgrims stole America from the Native Americans.
  • April 26 – English colonists make landfall at Cape HenryVirginia, later moving up the James River.
  • May 14 – Jamestown, Virginia, is established as the first permanent English settlement in North America, beginning the American frontier.
  • May 15 – From Jamestown, Christopher Newport, George Percy, Gabriel Archer, and others travel six days exploring along the James River up to the falls and Powhatan‘s village.
  • May 26 – At Jamestown, the president of the governing council, Edward Wingfield, directs the fort to be strengthened and armed against the many attacks of the natives: “Hereupon the President was contented the Fort should be pallisadoed, the ordinance mounted, his men armed and exercised, for many were the assaults and Ambuscadoes of the Savages …” [John Smith, Proceedings (Barbour 1964)]; 200 armed Indians attack the Jamestown settlement, killing two people and wounding 10.
  • May 28 – A wooden defensive wall (palisade) is built by settlers around the Fort at Jamestown. Gabriel Archer writes in his journal, “we laboured, pallozadoing our fort”.
  • June 10 – In Jamestown, Captain John Smith is released from arrest and sworn in as a member of the colony Council.
  • June 15 – At Jamestown, the triangular fort is completed and armed: “The fifteenth of June we had built and finished our Fort, which was triangle wise, having three Bulwarkes, at every corner, like a halfe Moone, and foure or five pieces of Artillerie mounted in them. We had made our selves sufficiently strong for these Savages. We had also sowne most of our Corne on two Mountaines.” [George Percy (Tyler 1952:19)] The colony reportedly bears extreme toil in strengthening the fort [from John Smith, Proceedings (Barbour 1964:210)].
  • June 22 – Christopher Newport sails back to England.

1609 AD

1610 AD

  • April 20 – William Shakespeare‘s play, The Tragedie of Macbeth, is given its first performance, staged at the Globe Theatre in London.
  • May 23 – Jamestown, Virginia: Acting as temporary Governor, Thomas Gates, along with John Rolfe, Captain Ralph Hamor, Sir George Somers, and other survivors from the Sea Venture (wrecked at Bermuda) arrive at Jamestown; they find that 60 have survived the “starving time” (winter), the fort palisades and gates have been torn down, and empty houses have been used for firewood, in fear of attacks by natives outside the fort area.
  • May 24 – Jamestown, Virginia: The temporary Governor, Thomas Gates, issues The Divine, Moral, and Martial Laws.
  • June 7 – Jamestown: Temporary Governor Gates decides to abandon Jamestown.
  • June 8 – Jamestown: Temporary Governor Gates’ convoy meets the ships of Governor Thomas West, 3rd Baron De La Warr (Delaware) at Mulberry Island.
  • June 10 – Jamestown: The convoy of temporary Governor Gates, and the ships of Governor Lord De La Warr, land at Jamestown.
  • June 24 – Henri Membertou, Grand Chief of Mi’kmaq nation, becomes the first North American aboriginal person to accept baptism into the Christian faith and signs the Concordat of 1610, an agreement with the Roman Catholic Church recognizing the Mi’kmaq as an independent nation
  • August 9 – Anglo-Powhatan Wars: The English launch a major attack on the Paspahegh village, capturing and executing the native queen and her children, burning houses and chopping down the corn fields; the subsequent use of the term “Paspahegh” in documents refers to their former territory.
  • November 6 – After the Parliament of England gives King James only £ 100,000 of an agreed to £ 600,000 of debt relief promised in February under the Great Contract, the King demands the rest of the funds. Parliament is outraged and declares the Contract abandoned on November 9.

1624 AD

1625 AD

1626 AD

1649 AD

  • January 30 – Charles I is the first king to be beheaded while on the throne.

1672 AD

1697 AD

  • Dissolution of the Drumpf States, is due to the Superme Leader Johannes Drumpf is Death (Alternate First)

16th century

1500 AD

  • Leonardo from Planet Vinci visits Earth and though considered stupid in his homeworld, he becomes a genius on Earth. Before he finishes painting the Mona Lisa, it is stolen by a time travelling Bender. Eventually leaves Earth again for his home planet. (Alternate First)

1509 AD

  • Bender, using the Time Sphere, travels back in time to steal the Mona Lisa. (Alternate First)

1519 AD

  • May 2 – These are the dates of Leonardo da Vinci. In reality he is an alien from the planet Vinci who returned to his homeworld at the time of his supposed death. (Alternate First)
  • June – After a month of travel Leonardo returns to Planet Vinci. (Alternate First)

1547 AD

1575 AD

  • February 24 – Dathomirian Invasion of Earth with Eurasia World (Alternate First)
  • November 16 – Liberation of Russia (Alternate First)

1591 AD

  • January 27 – Duel on Berlin (Alternate First)
  • January 28 – Dissolution of the Second Maurya Empire (Alternate First)

First Medieval of Planet Earth

768 AD

  • 9 October – Charlemagne was a European leader who was King of the Franks

778 AD

800 AD

814 AD

977 – 979

  • Feud of the Svyatoslavychivi


  • September 11 – Zuban Imperium Invasion of Mars (Alternate First)


  • A doctor covers a guy in blood-sucking leeches as a way of determining whether he’s healthy or not. The man is deemed healthy but he still freaks out over being drained by leeches. (Possibly for Alternate First)
  • Prince Vladimir´s Plan/Russian Civil Strife (Possibly for Alternate First)


  • February 24 – Zuban Imperium Invasion of Kievan Rus and Earth (Alternate First and Prediction for 1000 Years with 24 February 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine)
  • March 30 – Zuban Imperium Invasion of Kievan Rus and Earth is end (Alternate First)


  • Prediction for 1000 Years with Project 2025?



  • Banking industry regulations originate around this time, according to Gary, a banking industry regulator. (Alternate Fisrt)

1431 AD

from 1495 to 1498

  • Leonardo da Vinci paints The Last Supper. Date is from historical record. (Alternate First by Bender)

Era of the Attila the Hun

450 AD


  • July 28 – Emperor Theodosius II, age 49, falls from his horse while hunting at Constantinople and dies soon afterward. He has reigned since 408, mostly under the domination of his Christian sister Pulcheria, who has been allowed to return to court (see 441).
  • August 25 – Pulcheria is forced to marry and co-rule the Eastern Roman Empire. She gives the imperial diadem to the Illyrian (or Thracian) officer and senator Marcian, age 58, and is crowned as empress in the Hippodrome at Constantinople, in the first religious coronation ceremony.
  • Marcian orders the execution (or assassination) of the unpopular court eunuch Chrysaphius. He discontinues the tribute payments to Attila.
  • All the Temples of Aphrodisias (City of Goddess Aphrodite) are demolished and its libraries burned down. The city is renamed Stauroupolis (City of the Cross).


451 AD

452 AD

453 AD



Ancient Roman era

700 BC

  • Leela is sent via time portal in Ancient Greece in an attempt to save Earth‘s inhabitants from the 31st century. Here she encounters Ulysses and Homer. (Alternate First)

360 BC

  • Great Fall of Atlantis (Alternate First)

274 BC

  • Nibbler is born (Alternate First)

45 BC

44 BC

27 BC

  • The Pantheon is constructed in Rome.

12 AD

  • Some pork meat is conservated for 3,000 years.

117 AD

  • Trajan subdues a Jewish revolt (the Kitos War), then falls seriously ill, leaving Hadrian in command of the east.
  • On his death bed, Trajan allegedly adopts Hadrian and designates him as his successor.
  • August 9 – 11 – Emperor Trajan dies of a stroke at Selinus in Cilicia, age 63, while en route from

180 AD

Ancient Egypt era

3500 BC

  • Cats from Thuban 9 arrive in Egypt where they are worshipped like gods. They make the Egyptians build the Great Pyramid of Giza as a giant energy transfer device. (Alternate First)

3000 BC

  • Apokoliptian Invasion of Earth (Alternate First)

2560 BC

  • The Great Pyramid of Giza is completed (date is from historical record). The cats intend to use it to drain Earth’s angular momentum and transmit it to their gradually decelerating homeworld, restarting its spin. Unfortunately the cats have become domesticated, lazy and stupid and the plan is abandoned. (Alternate First)

1351 BC

  • Bender steals a sarcophagus from Egyptians/Travelling back in time from 3007, Bender steals the sarcophagus and death mask of the Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep III, then hides in the limestone cavern underneath the future location of the Planet Express building until 3007. (Alternate First)
  • Amenhotep III is buried. (Alternate realities with fisrt or second)

1274 BC

1000 BC

  • The people of Osiris 4 visit Ancient Egypt and learn how to build pyramids, travel through space, and how to prepare their dead so as to scare Abbott and Costello. (Alternate First)

History of the Earth

200000 BC/ca. 40,000 years ago to 1783 A.D. – Mission to Earth/The previous versions of FryBender and Professor Farnsworth watch the Neanderthals in North America killed by Paleo-Indians (in one reality, they do not watch this). (Alternate Fisrt, Second and Third)

26987 BC – Homo sapiens drive the Neanderthals from the Neander Valley. Neanderthals settle in a nearby glacier along with several prehistoric creatures.

15000 BC – is when the Paelo-Indians lived in America (The previous versions of FryBender and Professor Farnsworth watch for Alternate Second and Third)

23rd October 4004 BCE – The Earth and all life on it is created, according to the chronology of Archbishop James Ussher, to which creationists will cling well into the 31st century.

10,000,000,000 BC era/Prehistoric era

Before the Big Bang

  • Unknown – Yivo, a planet-sized alien from another universe, dwells alone in the emptiness of space. (Alternate First)
  • 17 years before the Big Bang – Nibblonians start appearing in our universe. (Alternate First)

Beginning of Time

  • The Big Bang – The Universe is created (again) while the previous universe’s versions of FryBender and Professor Farnsworth watch in their Forward time machine (Alternate Second and Third). The cowboy universe is also created (Only this one parallel universe is known or thought to exist until the events of “The Farnsworth Parabox“).
    • Yivo notices the Big Bang and realizes shklee is not alone. (Alternate First)
  • Milliseconds after the Big Bang – The evil Brain Spawn come into being and begin their war against the Nibblonians that rages until the 31st century. (Alternate First)
  • Eons ago – The life-force known as Chi that permeated the Universe created an upwelling of life, but then receded, resulting in the extinction of countless species. (Alternate First)
  • 10,000,000,000 BC – Both events with their war against the Nibblonians and Arms Race of Evolution (Alternate´s first)
  • 4,600,000,000 BC – The yellow star sol forms in the Milky Way galaxy.

Zuban Era Timeline

  • 4,540,000,000 BC – The SunEarth and the Moon are created (in one reality, the previous versions of FryBender and Professor Farnsworth watch for Alternate Second and Third).
  • 4,538 MYA – Theia forms
  • 4,520 MYA – Theia impacts Earth, Forming the moon.
  • 999,996,988 BCFlamo, a being of pure solar energy living in the Sun, attempts to overthrow the democractically elected alderman of his district, but is captured and imprisoned for a billion years. (Maybe Alternate First)
  • 500,000,000 BC – An Earth fish crawls onto land (in one reality it is immediately killed by a previous universe’s version of Bender for Alternate Second)
  • 65,500,000 BC
    • Due to a time travel accident of Hubert J. Farnsworth all inhabitants of Earth from the 31st century are sent during the age of dinosaurs. (Alternate First with Extra
    • The Brain Spawn cause the extinction of Earth’s dinosaurs (Alternate First) (in one reality, the previous versions of FryBender and Professor Farnsworth watch for Alternate Second and Third).
  • 28,997,000 BCNimballa became the Emperor of Zuban 5. (Alternate Fisrt)
  • 996,992 BC
    • The native Martians abandon Mars, according to Number Nine. (Alternate Fisrt)
    • Humans became capable of controlling fire.
  • IndeterminateA mountain range of diamonds begins forming in an area of the Earth‘s transition zone.
  • 300,000 BC – Cavemen roamed the Earth.